Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Benefits of Using Twitter for business

Twitter is one of the biggest marketing phenomenons of the online business world. In fact, it has been growing faster than any other social network and is expected to grow at a faster rate in the near future. As a marketing platform, Marketing on Twitter offers many benefits to businesses. In this article, you will find some potential benefits of using Twitter marketing strategy to achieve your business goals .

Read this blog post about How to use twitter for marketing - twitter marketing strategy

Benefits of Using Twitter for business

twitter marketing strategy-Brand

Brand Awareness

Businesses can use Twitter Marketing to maintain brand awareness.  Maintaining contact through regular tweets and engaging within your network is an effective way to keep your brand on top of mind.

twitter marketing strategy-Reputation

Reputation Management by Twitter Marketing

Businesses can use Twitter Marketing to monitor, in real time, what is being said about their brand, product or service. Not only does this permit businesses to instantly address and clear up any issues immediately, but public displays of efficient customer care and transparency will work wonders for your businesses reputation as a trustworthy and reliable enterprise.
The same applies to public interactions with satisfied customers.
Consensus and credibility are a key aspect of good reputation management.  Using a good Twitter marketing strategy can be an exceptionally effective platform to achieve this.  Just one of the many great benefits of twitter for business!

Understanding target market on twitter for business

twitter marketing strategy - Targeted MarketTwitter can be a useful way of knowing what your target demographic are looking for. An excellent way to stay in the loop and gain further insight into the topic of conversation within the industry / your niche.

For instance, a brand wishing to target a younger people would do well to listen in on what their target audience were talking about and latch on to these; latest interests, what’s hot, what’s not, what’s in, who’s out etc.

Promotions in Twitter Marketing

twitter marketing strategy - Promotions
Using Twitter for marketing and having a Twitter business page is an excellent tool for coverage on promotions and events your business may be holding. This applies across the board, regardless of what it is your business may wish to promote. Webinars, Deals of the day / month, special offers, event days, sales etc. etc.

While it is important to remain tactful and not flood your followers with promotions (which in our opinion constitutes as spamming), using Twitter for marketing provides a superb opportunity to promote to targeted audiences.

Monitoring Competition in Twitter Marketing

Interested in knowing what your competition is up to?  Using twitter for business can be a very good way to keep tabs on your competitors.
  •          What Twitter marketing strategies are they using?
  •          What are people saying about them?
  •          What products / services are they capitalizing on?
  •          Any new innovative tactics they are using successfully?

twitter marketing strategy - MonitringSuccess leaves clues and using Marketing on Twitter can be an effective way to see what your piers are doing well from.

Furthermore another of the benefits of twitter for business is that it’s a good way to effectively jump on the back of your competitors and learn from their market research efforts.
Alternatively identifying what they may be doing wrong from their follower’s tweets, ensuring your business does not repeat the same mistakes.

Get a Fast Feedback with through a good twitter marketing strategy 

twitter marketing strategy - FeedBack
Using twitter for business makes an excellent substitute for asking customers/clients to painstakingly endure filling in feedback forms, having to wait a long time for responses.
Business can successfully use Twitter to obtain instant feedback from clients / customers. Not only does it show your business to be committed to client / customer satisfaction, but also can provide you with the invaluable information your business requires.  Fast! 

Make Relationship through Twitter Marketing

twitter marketing strategy - Relationship
Probably the most important of the benefits of Twitter for business; Relationship Marketing.
This lies at the crux of what makes Twitter so popular in the first place, and more importantly why YOUR potential customers / clients are on Twitter in the first place.

It VITAL anyone using twitter for business, remembers the following point… Twitter is first and foremost a Social Networking Site.  Your target audiences use Twitter for socializing purposes, NOT to be spammed with business offers from your Twitter business page.

Those businesses who make the effort to reach out and form meaningful, trusting relationships with clients / customers, and then take the time to nurture long lasting relationships with them over time are the ones who will succeed in ANY form of Social Media Marketing.

Unfortunately MANY businesses will (and have) learn the hard way and only drive potential clients away.  Ensure relationship marketing is your priority when using twitter for business!


twitter marketing strategy - Colabration
As is the motto of GOOGLE, and one of the reasons that makes them so successful; “Collaboration is Key”

Twitter provides a great opportunity for businesses to network within their industry and collaborate on the best ways to appeal to customers through positive twitter marketing approach.

Local businesses can team up with similar businesses worldwide to put forward ideas, share from each other’s successes / failures, collaborating with one another to maximize efforts.

HR and Internal Communication

twitter marketing strategy - HR

While Twitter should not be used as a substitute for this, it can still provide a good opportunity to tweet about various job postings, vendor and partner inquiries, tech help etc. You may receive extra responses you otherwise might not have had.

Not to mention from people who have already shown to take a keen interest in your business / enterprise as followers, along with the additional benefit of gaining further insight about them through their Tweets and profile.

Additionally Marketing on Twitter can provide your business a further means for internal communication between staff.

While there are limitations to this and ought to be done tactfully, it can be an efficient way to share information, and show a good degree of transparency to clients.

SEO Boost and Promoting Blog Content

twitter marketing strategy - SEO
Marketing on Twitter can be an excellent way to promote content on your blog.  Furthermore applications permit automatic feeding of blog content (in the form of URLs) directly to twitter. Additionally using twitter for business can be an excellent way to drive additional traffic to your blog or website which you monetize, through a landing page, selling products, affiliate links or however you choose to do so.

As with all Social Media Marketing tools, it is important the right, revised and well implemented twitter marketing strategy are in place and make the most of all the benefits of Twitter for business.
Never rely on closing your eyes and hoping for the best.  As good as using twitter for business, if not done correctly it can also be detrimental.

Spend the time either educating yourself first or consulting with a skilled social media manager.  Your business’ reputation is on the line at all times.

You don’t get a second chance to make a first impression and one bad tweet from your Twitter business page can quite easily turn away a potential life long, recurring customer / client.  Despite the benefits of Twitter for business, it’s important to note the pitfalls too!

Recommended: blog post about How to use twitter for marketing - twitter marketing strategy

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