Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Benefits of Using Twitter for business

Twitter is one of the biggest marketing phenomenons of the online business world. In fact, it has been growing faster than any other social network and is expected to grow at a faster rate in the near future. As a marketing platform, Marketing on Twitter offers many benefits to businesses. In this article, you will find some potential benefits of using Twitter marketing strategy to achieve your business goals .

Read this blog post about How to use twitter for marketing - twitter marketing strategy

Benefits of Using Twitter for business

twitter marketing strategy-Brand

Brand Awareness

Businesses can use Twitter Marketing to maintain brand awareness.  Maintaining contact through regular tweets and engaging within your network is an effective way to keep your brand on top of mind.

twitter marketing strategy-Reputation

Reputation Management by Twitter Marketing

Businesses can use Twitter Marketing to monitor, in real time, what is being said about their brand, product or service. Not only does this permit businesses to instantly address and clear up any issues immediately, but public displays of efficient customer care and transparency will work wonders for your businesses reputation as a trustworthy and reliable enterprise.
The same applies to public interactions with satisfied customers.
Consensus and credibility are a key aspect of good reputation management.  Using a good Twitter marketing strategy can be an exceptionally effective platform to achieve this.  Just one of the many great benefits of twitter for business!

Understanding target market on twitter for business

twitter marketing strategy - Targeted MarketTwitter can be a useful way of knowing what your target demographic are looking for. An excellent way to stay in the loop and gain further insight into the topic of conversation within the industry / your niche.

For instance, a brand wishing to target a younger people would do well to listen in on what their target audience were talking about and latch on to these; latest interests, what’s hot, what’s not, what’s in, who’s out etc.

Promotions in Twitter Marketing

twitter marketing strategy - Promotions
Using Twitter for marketing and having a Twitter business page is an excellent tool for coverage on promotions and events your business may be holding. This applies across the board, regardless of what it is your business may wish to promote. Webinars, Deals of the day / month, special offers, event days, sales etc. etc.

While it is important to remain tactful and not flood your followers with promotions (which in our opinion constitutes as spamming), using Twitter for marketing provides a superb opportunity to promote to targeted audiences.

Monitoring Competition in Twitter Marketing

Interested in knowing what your competition is up to?  Using twitter for business can be a very good way to keep tabs on your competitors.
  •          What Twitter marketing strategies are they using?
  •          What are people saying about them?
  •          What products / services are they capitalizing on?
  •          Any new innovative tactics they are using successfully?

twitter marketing strategy - MonitringSuccess leaves clues and using Marketing on Twitter can be an effective way to see what your piers are doing well from.

Furthermore another of the benefits of twitter for business is that it’s a good way to effectively jump on the back of your competitors and learn from their market research efforts.
Alternatively identifying what they may be doing wrong from their follower’s tweets, ensuring your business does not repeat the same mistakes.

Get a Fast Feedback with through a good twitter marketing strategy 

twitter marketing strategy - FeedBack
Using twitter for business makes an excellent substitute for asking customers/clients to painstakingly endure filling in feedback forms, having to wait a long time for responses.
Business can successfully use Twitter to obtain instant feedback from clients / customers. Not only does it show your business to be committed to client / customer satisfaction, but also can provide you with the invaluable information your business requires.  Fast! 

Make Relationship through Twitter Marketing

twitter marketing strategy - Relationship
Probably the most important of the benefits of Twitter for business; Relationship Marketing.
This lies at the crux of what makes Twitter so popular in the first place, and more importantly why YOUR potential customers / clients are on Twitter in the first place.

It VITAL anyone using twitter for business, remembers the following point… Twitter is first and foremost a Social Networking Site.  Your target audiences use Twitter for socializing purposes, NOT to be spammed with business offers from your Twitter business page.

Those businesses who make the effort to reach out and form meaningful, trusting relationships with clients / customers, and then take the time to nurture long lasting relationships with them over time are the ones who will succeed in ANY form of Social Media Marketing.

Unfortunately MANY businesses will (and have) learn the hard way and only drive potential clients away.  Ensure relationship marketing is your priority when using twitter for business!


twitter marketing strategy - Colabration
As is the motto of GOOGLE, and one of the reasons that makes them so successful; “Collaboration is Key”

Twitter provides a great opportunity for businesses to network within their industry and collaborate on the best ways to appeal to customers through positive twitter marketing approach.

Local businesses can team up with similar businesses worldwide to put forward ideas, share from each other’s successes / failures, collaborating with one another to maximize efforts.

HR and Internal Communication

twitter marketing strategy - HR

While Twitter should not be used as a substitute for this, it can still provide a good opportunity to tweet about various job postings, vendor and partner inquiries, tech help etc. You may receive extra responses you otherwise might not have had.

Not to mention from people who have already shown to take a keen interest in your business / enterprise as followers, along with the additional benefit of gaining further insight about them through their Tweets and profile.

Additionally Marketing on Twitter can provide your business a further means for internal communication between staff.

While there are limitations to this and ought to be done tactfully, it can be an efficient way to share information, and show a good degree of transparency to clients.

SEO Boost and Promoting Blog Content

twitter marketing strategy - SEO
Marketing on Twitter can be an excellent way to promote content on your blog.  Furthermore applications permit automatic feeding of blog content (in the form of URLs) directly to twitter. Additionally using twitter for business can be an excellent way to drive additional traffic to your blog or website which you monetize, through a landing page, selling products, affiliate links or however you choose to do so.

As with all Social Media Marketing tools, it is important the right, revised and well implemented twitter marketing strategy are in place and make the most of all the benefits of Twitter for business.
Never rely on closing your eyes and hoping for the best.  As good as using twitter for business, if not done correctly it can also be detrimental.

Spend the time either educating yourself first or consulting with a skilled social media manager.  Your business’ reputation is on the line at all times.

You don’t get a second chance to make a first impression and one bad tweet from your Twitter business page can quite easily turn away a potential life long, recurring customer / client.  Despite the benefits of Twitter for business, it’s important to note the pitfalls too!

Recommended: blog post about How to use twitter for marketing - twitter marketing strategy

Thursday, January 26, 2017

How to use twitter for marketing - twitter marketing strategy

How to use twitter for marketing - twitter marketing strategy

Regardless of the level of understanding one has about How to use twitter for business; whether you have a twitter business page, are using twitter for Social Media Marketing or know of the Twitter Marketing use it or not, you will no doubt be aware social networking site ‘Twitter’ is one of the most popular social networking site on the web right now. Commonly used for friends to keep in touch and for celebrities to communicate with their fans, Twitter is one of the fastest social networking sites in the world. It is no surprise, then that the vast majority of businesses are now also jumping on the Twitter bandwagon. Seeing the opportunity of Marketing on Twitter  and as a networking tool and setting up a twitter business page for twitter marketing.
The fact you are on this blog, it is likely you are taking serious consideration into harnessing the power of Social Media within your marketing strategy and using twitter for business. If used correctly twitter marketing strategy, Twitter can play a very effective role in this.  If for any reason you have not considered using twitter for business, then you really ought to!
But what is it, then, that makes using Twitter Marketing such a hot prospect for businesses to utilize? Read this blog post to understand the benefits of twitter marketing for business
A good and well planned Twitter marketing strategy all for all any kind of online / Offline business, and can easily be used to increase customer engagement and sales. Twitter has been used largely by businesses for promoting their products and especially in US more than 2/3rd of companies prefer Twitter as their marketing tool. With more than 317 million monthly active users and 500 million tweets getting published every day, Twitter has several benefits over other social media websites like Facebook or Google Plus. It is comparatively easy to gain followers in your Twitter account and it allows you to engage with users before they become your friend. Here we present some useful Twitter marketing strategy tips and suggestions on how to plan your business marketing campaign on Twitter and to formulate an effective Twitter marketing strategy.

What Makes Twitter Different

Your approach to every social media site should be different. For example, your Twitter marketing strategy isn’t going to be the same as your Pinterest or Facebook marketing plan. Understanding how twitter works and where it fits in the social media landscape will shape the way you use it.
Some of the main ways businesses use Twitter include:
  • Sharing information and content
  • Driving engagement for promotional activities
  • Interacting with consumers
  • Networking
  • Branding
  • Reputation management
As you can see, most of these activities have to do with interactions. It’s not necessarily just about broadcasting your content like Instagram or Pinterest, for example. Twitter thrives off communication. It’s time to go beyond the “setup your profile correctly” and “follow influencers” tips. We’ll go over real Twitter marketing strategies that will help you be more successful, and the steps you need to take to market like the pros.

Set Your Goal First for Marketing on Twitter

Before jumping on to another social media tool, first determine what you want from Twitter and how you want to use twitter for business. For example, a law firm would not try to secure new clients with Twitter. Rather, the law firm would be establishing itself as a credible source of information with great tweets about their expertise. Becoming a leading voice in law will add to their credibility and impress potential clients. It’s important to figure out if your target market are using Twitter and then see what real value you can bring to them. If you want to get more people to view your content, your objectives should include some of the following:

(Twitter marketing strategy tips )

  • Generate leads from Twitter by getting followers to visit your landing page.
  • Build awareness for a new product or service by using Twitter to market it to relevant prospects.
  • Build a positive opinion about your brand, products, or services, by using Twitter as a PR tool.
  • Build a community of like-minded people to give your ideas to innovate a product, service, or overall marketing strategy.
  • Provide customer support through valuable content and one-on-one conversations that help customers get the most out of your product or service.
  • Build thought leadership, engage with industry influencers and like-minded people, and share your opinions.

How to Speak in Twitter's Language

Twitter has it's own language with subtle nuances and etiquette you need to understand. It's important to take a step back and understand some basic Twitter lingo, for a full list check Twitter’s great glossary.

(Twitter marketing strategy tips )

  • Tweet: A 140-character message
  • Handle: Your username
  • Retweet (RT): Re-sharing someone else’s tweet
  • Hashtag (#):  A tool that allows others to find your tweets, based on topics. You can click on a hashtag to see all the tweets that mention it in real time — even from people you don’t follow. Inventing your own hashtag can be a great way to increase your brand visibility, and create a more unified Twitter community. For example, ABC’s Build-A-Business has led to #ABCCo which has taken off globally and helps us engage with new shop owners
  • Direct Message (DM): A private message between two people. You may only DM a customer who follows you
  • Mention (@): Reference another user by his username in a tweet. Your customer would be notified when @mentioned

Create a Stunning Twitter Profile for Marketing on Twitter

When you decided to use twitter for business, first impression is considered to be the best impression and hence you should always make sure your Twitter profile is attractive and create a good impression among your target audience. You should ensure you have an engaging bio and nice profile picture which can be a custom art or your business logo. Also you should use a custom background design which will reflect your brand among your followers. Even your username and the links you share on your profile page are important and should represent your business in a positive manner. When it comes to social media marketing and branding, every small element of your social media profile is important as it decides your online reputation in twitter marketing world.

Essential Profile Elements

Again, if you’re just starting out, or if you’re not seeing a lot of success, one thing you will want to look at is your profile itself before you start going and searching for followers. Particularly, you will want to make sure you have the following:

·         Custom Background Design – When someone comes to your Twitter profile for the first time, they should see a great design that reflects your brand.
·         Concise and Descriptive Bio – You get a whopping 160 characters to describe yourself and what people will get when they follow you on Twitter. Make it interesting and convincing!
·         Profile Picture – No one wants to follow the generic Twitter icons. And not a lot of people want to follow a logo (unless it’s a well-recognized one). What they do want to see is a person behind the profile. Social media is all about engagement, and people want to engage with other people, not just companies or bots.
·         Great Tweets – Last, but not least, when people are deciding to follow you, chances are they are going to do so based on your most recent tweets. If you visit your profile, you’ll see your last twenty tweets at the least. Make sure that these tweets reflect your engagement level with your audience – you should be sharing great content and responding to others MORE than you should be doing pitches and trying to make sales.

Finding Targeted Followers

As you Twitter marketing strategy, Now you have your profile setup, and some great tweets, as part of twitter marketing plan, your next on-going goal will be to gain followers. Sure, there are lots of ways to get just any followers, but the key is to get targeted followers who are interested in your industry.
So how do you find them? And how do you get them to follow you?
While everything shouldn’t always be about numbers, there is a certain thing to be said about someone coming to your profile and seeing that you have a good follower count. I usually like to start a new Twitter account out by finding people who have a follow back policy in place, usually implemented by an online application. Basically, you will be looking for people who have close to a 1:1 ratio of followers and following count.
Some great places to search include while using Twitter for business:
TwitterCounter Search – Enter in your keyword and you will see users with their following and follower count. Connect TwitterCounter with your Twitter account and follow those users directly from TwitterCounter’s search results.

Of course, there are many more ways to find followers. You can use the Twellow and Wefollow directories mentioned above. There are also applications out there that automate the following process, the most popular being Twitter Adder which finds and follows new users regularly based on your customized searches as well as un-follows people who do not follow you back within a specified timeline.

Get Followers from Your Own Online Properties

Do you have a website, blog, email newsletter, or other way to share links with others online? Then be sure to add your Twitter link to everything as a part of you twitter marketing strategy, down to your email signature, forum signature, and even other social profiles (such as your Facebook). This way, people who are already connecting with you online can easily find you on Twitter.
One great way to get more followers, specifically from your blog, is to use Twitter’s retweet button. It allows you to put a re-tweet button on each of your blog posts to make it easier for visitors to share those posts with their followers. But the bonus is that when you create the button, you can put in a Twitter account to recommend after someone shares your post. This way, people who are already interested in your content are invited to follow you, and likely will because it is so convenient.
Direct Messaging Best Practices for Marketing on Twitter
Now that you have followers, the next step is to start engaging with them! In twitter marketing one way to connect with your followers is through direct messages. Twitter users have a love / hate relationship with direct messages, as many of the ones sent seem like spam.
As you follow others, you will see examples of good and bad direct messages. The bad ones are those that are pitching a product or service right off the bat and those trying to get you to opt-in to their mailing list (usually through the temptation of a free eBook).
Think of that first direct message as the first thing you say to someone you have just met and shook hands with. You don’t want to put them off immediately. Think of your direct messages as a way to go above and beyond to connect with a new follower. Simply thank them for following you, or ask them what they would like to learn from you on Twitter. The latter can be especially helpful in surveying your followers to see what kind of tweets will keep them engaged.
The best way to do direct messages is by personalizing each one to your new followers. But of course, when you start getting dozens of new followers daily, it becomes a bit of a productivity issue to do so. This is where automation comes in.
Free services such as Social Oomph lets you register your Twitter account and send your new followers a direct message automatically. My biggest suggestion on this one is to remember not to pitch your new followers off the bat and ALWAYS try to reply personally to them if they respond to your message.
Something that can come in handy is to keep track of who direct messages you personally, past the initial welcome message. For example, do you have people who direct message you asking you to promote their blog content? Then the next time you have some content you really want to push, you can feel good about direct messaging them for a favor.

What Can Be Automated and What Needs to Be Personal

Automation can be a dirty word when it comes to social media, because there is no bigger turn-off on Twitter than realizing an account is nothing but an automated bot. But there are some forms of automation that can be helpful to incorporate for both yourself (to save time) and for your followers.
There are two automation services I use that usually get a great response from followers. The first is dlvrit.com. This service allows you to connect your Twitter account and publish tweets whenever your favorite blog adds a new post to their site using the blog’s RSS feed.
By using the advanced settings to add on the blog’s Twitter account in the Post Prefix or Post Suffix, you will be letting them know with every tweet that you are a loyal follower of their blog and sharing their content, which may lead to connecting with the blog owner for guest posts, cross promotions, and more.
Why is dlvrit.com so great? If you choose blogs which fit your industry that your followers will like, they will appreciate your willingness to share relevant content with them and likely will re-tweet those items to their followers as well.
The second automation plugin works specifically with WordPress blogs – Tweet Old Posts. This plugin will tweet posts in your blog archives to your followers, this way new followers can see content that they may have missed out on.
The best part of both plugins is that they will keep your Twitter account active when you can’t be actively updating it. But it is important to remember that these cannot be the only sources of tweets for your account.
The most important updates you can do are the ones where you directly engage with the Twitter community – not only your followers, but also the influencers in your industry.
Having a higher instance of conversations where you are directly @username replying to someone is key to showing your current and potential followers that you are more than just a bot but an actual human who wants to communicate directly with others. This means that you need to not just be tweeting, but also be listening.

Research Your Target Market  

Twitter is one of the best places for eCommerce entrepreneurs to get info for growing their online store. According to Twitter they're the fastest, simplest way to stay close to everything you (and your customer) care about. For example, if you sell the world’s greatest scented candles, do a Twitter search using keywords to find others who are talking about scented candles? The more prolific the user is on Twitter (they have a ton of followers and/or tweet often), the better. However, don’t forget the little guys on your way up to Twitter stardom as everyone is a great potential consumer. I can *almost* guarantee that there is a similar blogger, freelancer, entrepreneur, local business, or any-sized business already out there taking advantage of Twitter. You can find them by visiting their websites or using directories such as Twellow and Wefollow to search for Twitter users in a specific industry.
Be sure to find the best examples to follow for sucessful Marketing on Twitter– if you’re a local bakery, and your competition down the road isn’t on Twitter (or only has 3 followers), then try broadening your searching for a local bakery in a larger city. Once you’ve found them, follow them and see what they do. Note what seems to get a good response and what doesn’t.

Research your Competition

Twitter is one of the most popular networks for brands, which makes it easy to see what your competition is doing and how they are using twitter for business. Simply monitor their accounts to see what’s working for them.
(Twitter marketing strategy tips )
  • Follow your competitors: While you are using twitter for business, you don’t even technically need to follow them. Make a private list that will be visible only to you. Add your competitors. You could also include all the employees if the competitor has more than one primary account.
  • Monitor their engagement: As a part of twitter marketing strategy, Know what people are saying about your competitors, as well as how they’re responding.
  • Look at the articles they share: If competitors are creating a lot of content, this will help you see how they’re marketing it and how it’s received by their audience.
  • Monitor their @Replies: Why watch just one side of the conversation? Setting up a search for your competitor’s @username will give you a look into what people are saying to your competitor. This way, you can see what their fans (or enemies) like or dislike about them, as well as questions they have.

Plan ahead for various events

Twitter is a great tool for branding, sharing valuable information and driving engagement to promote your business. as a part of good Twitter marketing strategy, you should design and schedule your tweets in advance for holidays and special events. Studies have shown that posting customized tweets during festive seasons and holidays can increase engagement among your target audience. For instance, you can tweet about seasonal deals or discounts during Christmas or Thanksgiving weekend. You can also make use of analytics tools like Tweriod for deciding the right time to tweet based on the online activity of your target audience.  Another popular tool to schedule your tweets is Ritetag which enhances your tweets for better keywords.

How Should I Tweet?

The most effective thing an eCommerce store can Tweet, is simply communicating with your following. Sure you can tell everyone about sales, and answer questions, but what's really going to grow your following is daily and continuous "small-talk" - whereas you're talking about anything and everything with your following. Also try: 
(Twitter marketing strategy tips )

  • Sales, discounts, and new products
  • Ask fun questions
  • Ask for opinions on which new prototype your Twitter community likes best
  • Ask about their favorite products and brands
  • Offer to send them free stuff. 
  • Tweet fun pictures of your product and ask your followers to do the same
  • Tweet recent blog posts
  • Interesting & related YouTube videos are great
  • Industry info graphics
  • Famous quotes that are related to your industry
Managing your Twitter account can be tough work – but your efforts should pay off in the end with increased sales, and a strengthened online community. See the following (Twitter marketing strategy tips ) for a good tweet:
  • Upload an eye catching picture as your avatar, be smart with your description, and always link to your homepage!
  • Use Twitter search to get a sense of what's being said about your company and your industry. See what works and what doesn't.
  • Find some thought leaders in your industry and follow them. This is a great way to keep up-to-date with what's happening in your space.
  • Never, ever, ever, ever SPAM!
  • Avoid Spammer stats, which means you’re following way more people than are following you. It shows you don’t have good content.
  • Connect on a personal level as much as possible. It doesn’t have to be all business all the time.
  • Don’t brag too much. Your fans will like it but you’ll annoy everyone else. Remember you’re tweeting to multiple audiences.
  • Ask questions!
  • Give advice, throw in the odd funny picture and show your true self.
  • Free apps like TweetDeck will make your efforts in Twitter Ville way easier.

Get Noticed: Engage Followers 

The key to successful Twitter marketing strategy is to create something that will get people talking, re-tweeting, replying and placing queries.


Alerts are your friend; they tell you when things happen, and help you keep tract of important business and industry news. They track industry terms used to collect leads and show mentions of your business on the internet.

Twitter Chats

Give short, informative, savvy responses in industry twitter chats. Retweets of these responses will give you wider visibility

Team Effort

Use resources at your disposal; influencers, employees, partners and other multiple agencies to create a trending topic


Helps find and engage with tweeters from your locality.  It’s a powerful tool for local businesses.
Show Your Current Customers Some Love
Find innovative ways to keep your current customers happy and engaged; you can give them rewards, incentives, private tours of the product making units.

The Human Touch

Tailor the word to appeal to their desires and goals. Align content to what they want to achieve.
Customer Support
As a responsive and pro-efficient business and best part of a successful twitter marketing strategy, you need to start thinking of Twitter as a public complaint department. People don't fill out comment cards anymore. They don't send nasty emails to the complaint department. They go on Twitter and raise hell in 140 characters or less. Social media sites like Twitter are increasingly becoming the modern day complaint department, and for good reason - complaining on Twitter often gets immediate results. It's also faster than sending an email and it's way more public. 
Whether the complaints are justified or not, every online store can be a victim of public scorning on Twitter. As an ecommerce merchant you need to start thinking of Twitter as a public complaint department. The secret to running a successful Twitter complaint department is to give awesome customer service.

Manage Positive and Negative Tweets

While Marketing on Twitter, If the tweet is positive – re-tweet it. Then tweet back with a thank you, expressing how glad you are that they’ve had a good experience with your product. You can even mention a sale or a new product coming out soon. If the tweet is negative – address the issue and offer a solution. Treat your Twitter conversations with customers as you would a face-to-face interaction: be friendly, enthusiastic, and polite. If you have an angry customer, don’t fire back with rage but rather shower them with quality help and kindness to put out their flames. 

Use Twitter Chats to Engage with your Prospective Customers

Twitter chats is a very influential feature which helps you to engage with prospects and existing customers, build your online reputation and promote your brand among your twitter followers. You can make use of free tools like TweetChat, Twubs, Twitterfalltchat.io and Tweetdeck etc. to discover trending hashtags and start relevant conversations in your twitter account. The people who participate regularly in your twitter chats will help in distributing your content and amplify your reach by retweeting your posts. You can also tweet out questions and organize competitions to make the conversations more interactive. You should reply to queries of your followers using twitter chats and @mention them such that they will be notified. This will help you earn the trust of your followers and increase your brand reputation.

Set Goals and Milestones

If you’re like us, you’ve probably read several Twitter Marketing tips online. But for some reason, this crucial tip gets glossed over or completely forgotten. No twitter marketing strategy is complete without having measurable goals that you want to achieve. Without goals, objectives and milestones, you’re bound to make the same mistakes that so many small businesses on social and marketers fall into when it comes to social media marketing.

An astounding 41% of companies have no idea whether or not their social media efforts are working or not. A big reason behind that number is companies aren’t keeping track of their activity, and haven’t set any type of objectives for what they want to achieve on Twitter Marketing. Instead, businesses just publish content and hope that something happens to improve their brand. The publish and pray approach simply won’t cut it. First, you’ll want to set some objectives and goals on Twitter.
(Twitter marketing strategy tips ) 
  • Build an engaged following
  • Monitor and improve your brand’s reputation
  • Respond to customer complaints quicker
  • Generate leads
  • Get more traffic to your website
  • Network with bloggers and influencers
Then, you’ll establish accomplishments that tie in with those objectives.
·         Increase @mentions and Retweets by 15%
·         Keep response rate above 90%
·         Maintain a response time of under 10 minutes
·         Generate at least 20 leads from Twitter
·         Improve referral traffic from Twitter by 30%
·         Add at least 100 new contacts from Twitter

Of course, all of your goals should include a specified deadline. This could be weekly, monthly, quarterly or whatever works best for your industry. Use a social media management tool like Sprout Social and a website analytics tool like Google Analytics to measure your activity and track your goal’s progress.

Analyze your performance and revise your twitter marketing strategy

You should keep track of your followers and constantly monitor how well your twitter account is performing while using twitter for business. You can make use of tools like Socialbro or Twitter Analytics to figure out the performance of your Twitter account. You should keep track of various performance indicators such as,

  1. Demographics of your followers including language, age-groups, gender, location etc.
  2. Tweets published and direct traffic to your business website from twitter profile.
  3. Engagement statistics which includes @mentions, likes and re-tweets.
  4. New followers gained on daily/monthly basis.
  5. Following Vs. Followers comparison
  6. Recent Unfollows data.
You should have deeper insights about your Twitter community growth and segment your most influential followers into various groups with help of Twitter lists. This will help you post relevant content for your influential followers. You should constantly review your account performance and update your twitter marketing strategy tactics based on it.
You can make use of social media marketing tools like HootSuite, socialbakers, Objective marketer etc. to improve the effectiveness of your twitter marketing strategy. You should understand that Twitter is just a tool and your Twitter Marketing success depends on the tactics you follow and continuous improvement based on analysis of the past performance. By having clear marketing goals and devising a powerful twitter marketing strategy, you can certainly build your brand reputation and grow your business using twitter for business.

Conclusion of twitter marketing strategy

Twitter is a complex but more useful tool if you know which buttons to press.  On the face, Twitter is a simple, easy to use marketing platform with a tweet limit of 140 characters. However, once you exceed the character limit, you begin to see more opportunities and advanced settings that you can use to your advantage.  Twitter is a powerhouse of opportunities for every stage of your content strategy. There’s a reason so many companies invest most of their social resources there. You could use these suggestions to implement Twitter as the only content marketing tool from top to bottom, except for your blog.


  1. Read this blog post to understand the benefits of twitter marketing for business
  2. Facebook Marketing Strategy | Facebook Marketing Tips | Facebook Marketing Guide
  3. A breif detail about What is Social Media Marketing